Decoration Day

At the end of this old highway

Lay the bones of a little town

Along the railroad line

From a long long time ago

Just a road out through the country

They were listening for the sound

The car just seemed to slow down on it's own

From Bethany to Lineville

Time sure took it's toll

He said I think this is the turn

Here but I'm not sure

With a world of good intention

He tried to make them smile

So he said something off color and obscure

We're lucky to be laughing

To roll this gypsy wheel

We've walked a thousand roads

And we made good time

So if only for this moment

It's such a lovely day

We should trip this wire for a while

On a century of holdouts

And all we're thankful for

On the freshest breath of air we'll ever taste

Rose and yellow peonies

Sweet the memories

We'll stop and say hello

But we won't stay

The kids were tired and troubled

So he veered off the repose

And told a story about them

Growing up on a farm

She fixed them all a sandwich

And said I spy something blue

They said goodbye and headed out for home

He could almost see the ocean

Beyond the fields of green

Beyond the life he lived and knew before

Further back than memories

In black and white he dreamed

A picture of them standing by the door