Tom Domino

I don't have any excuses

They give me too much room to think

I don't harbor any censors these days

Guess I had a little too much to drink

It brought tears of joy to see you

Sure is good to take your hand

With everything that you've considered

So glad to see you are on the mend

Bet you're ready for the difference now

To come to life, to take a hold

Double six up from the boneyard shuffle

Joshua leveled Jericho

Tom Domino

Set 'em up for the days you've got coming to you

Got to keep that hand close to your vest

You knocked them down

And watch them roll on out

In a circle to the cross in the west

I hope you like your new name

I think it suits you pretty well

I think you've earned your right

To lay your claim on

Every star and every wish that ever fell

Emo rockers at the costco

In a honda mini-van

Stocking up on powder milk and diapers

We all just doing the best we can

That's the plan