Lyrics Jello Biafra

Jello Biafra

Bruce's Diary

On the top floor, from my penthouse

I survey what I rule

High rises

Thin curtains

All lights go out by two

No one ever sees me

Yet I know all of you

It's sort of like a small town

When your whole lives are on my computer

Ah... Ah...

All the power, none of the stress

So much better being hatchet man

Than a henpecked attention-starved target

Like the big man himself

Our goal is perpetual economic victory

We play with you to amuse ourselves

Our motives are personal

Our motives are political

Our motives are sexual

I know

Hi Ho Hi Ho Hi Ho

The laws we make for others

Don't apply to us

We do what we want

A lethargic population

Is the key to our control

Who'd rather watch someone's life on TV

Than participate in their own

Mentally they feel helpless

Physically they just give up

We priced the healthy food so high

They can only buy soda pop

A housebroken bee colony

That goes home after 5

Too burnt and glazed to threaten us

With purpose in their lives

Ah... Ah...

Ha Ha Ha

We drug their snacks at work

Mix hormones in kids lunch at school

Don't be a pill, it's good for you

The men grow up muscular

Short tempered and kinda dumb

The women develop those outrageous curves

The kind you only used to see

In the movies and magazines

We banned and rounded up for ourselves



It's off to do our work you go

We melt you with acid rain

Keep you poor for economic gain

Convince you your biggest threat

Is drugs and terrorists

They don't even have to be real

Just find a face, make up a crime

Run sensational headlines

Works every time

The people must not realize

They are being manipulated

For them to be manipulated effectively

We give 'em things to worry about

Buying clothes and losing weight

Your lack of curiosity

Is the key to our success

Your lack of curiosity is the key to our success

Hi Ho

Hi Ho

Hi Ho

Life's so simple and happy

When everything's clear.