Lyrics Jello Biafra

Jello Biafra

Convoy in the Sky

The night was dark and stormy

And the roads were wet with rain

As Jimmy Jones rolled on and on

His destination Maine

He'd like to stop and rest awhile

But the freight just wouldn't keep

His body ached his mind felt numb

His eyes had closed with sleep

He thought about the time he lost

With a woman Mary Lou

And then his thoughts turned to his wife

He'd promised he'd be true

Temptation had stepped in his path

And he had failed the test

But if he stopped he knew his conscience

Wouldn't let him rest

Roll along (roll along)

Roll along (roll along)

Convoy in the sky

Convoy in the sky

There in the night he saw the lights

A truck stop just ahead

One cup of coffee he would have

Enough to clear his head

As he stepped on the running board

Strange music he did hear

And suddenly before his eyes

The truck stop disappeared

There in it's place a trailer sat

The color black as death

And seated there beneath the wheel

Sat the devil himself

And Jimmy's heart was filled with fear

For there before his eyes

A caravan of trailers came

A rollin' through the skies

The riders told of deeds they'd done

And detours they had made

Now driving for the devil

Was the price that they had paid

There is no time to stop and rest

He heard the devil cry

As he led that convoy on across

The dark and stormy sky
