Lyrics Jello Biafra

Jello Biafra

Full Metal Jackoff

Around our nation's capital

There's a freeway 8 lanes wide

White concrete ringed around the city

For those who want inside

Get on get off

Ignore everything to the sides

In your midst I drive

While homeboys in the back of the van make drugs

Wanna hide something like a crack lab

Just put it in plain sight

Only stop to refuel and unload

More poison to tear more lives apart

Gang wars like never before

Better lock your doors, buy some guns

And pray (prey?) for martial law

On the Washington D.C. Beltway

Around and around I go

In the black van with no windows

And a chimney puffing smoke

Bloody headlines in the news each day

Drug "crisis" everywhere

So much comes in so easy

It's as though someone wants it there

It would be a little obvious

To fence off all the slums

Hand out machine guns

To the poor in the projects

And watch 'em kill each other off

A more subtle genocide is when

The only hope for the young

Is to join the Army and slowly die

Wall Street or Crack Dealer Avenue

The last roads left to the American Dream

Wall Street or Crack Dealer Avenue

Wall Street or Crack Dealer Avenue

Only on road leads to this neighborhood

Little kids wanna sell drugs when they grow up

The folks might get just a little upset

If they knew where that dope comes from

From Columbia to the Contras

To our Air Force bases, where we trade it for guns

The moral equivalent of a serial killer

And his CIA friends

Call the shots from the White House

But now that we own the media too

Those stories just aren't run

On the Washington D.C. Beltway, 'round and 'round I go

In a black van with no windows, and a chimney puffing smoke

Some gang that ran smack in Viet Nam

Ain't got no reason to fear

Just get a Vice President so dumb

The crook at the top never gets impeached

That sure was easy wasn't it?

That sure was easy wasn't it?

More crack-more panic-moe cops-more jails

You see emergency-total war

You see emergency-total war

You see a black face-you see a crackhead

You see a black face-you see a crackhead

You see a black face-you see Willie Horton with a knife

You see Willie Horton with a knife

You see one Willie Horton you've seen them all

They're everywhere, I know

You asked for it, you've got it

Drug suspects have no rights at all

Property seized and sold before trial

Labor camps-on American soil! ?

Neo-Nazi bootboys

That the cops never seem to arrest

Prowl neighborhoods with baseball bats

Why now? Why do they get so much press... ?

Mein Kampf-the mini series

Ollie North-"patriotic" hero

The leader for tomorrow is yours today

Finally gotcha psyched for a police state

On the Washington D.C. Beltway

Around and around I go

In a black van with no windows

And a chimney puffing smoke

My van's a mobile oven now

That burns the bodies you never see

Just like in Chile or Guatemala

People just seem to disappear

Just like Rome

We fell asleep when we got spoiled

Ignore human rights in the rest of the world

Ya might just lose your own

As the noose of narco-militarism

Tightens 'round your necks

We worry about burning flags

And pee in jars at work

To keep our jobs

But if someone came for you one night

And dragged you away

Do you really think your neighbors

Would even care...

Ollie for president, he'll get things done!

Ollie for president, he'll get things done!

Ollie for president, he'll get things done!