Brighter Day

Strike the tent

Unpop the paintbox

And pack the carriages

With the flesh freaks of fear

At the beach we left them shell shocked

Lining up the avenue

In view of next year

High steppin' like a brigade

Down the block,

Don't be shocked

To hear somebody say Wake up, Doomsday!

It's time to join the big parade.

Come and march in time with the band

Playing loud, fighting crowds

To see the matinee (it's tailor made)

Because it's gonna be a brighter day.

For the seeker of thrills

Behind the ferris wheels

There's a man with one foot in the grave

And one foot on a banana peel

He's an actor of sorts

Who sold himself too short

So now he travels door to door

Performing The real Death of a Salesman

Oh my country, tears of thee

How the circus makes the world

Safe for anarchy

In a cage with an uneasy chair

Atop a merry go round

He wears that clown crown.

Can't you see that you can

Come as you are,

As you were

If you prefer you can change

(yes it can be arranged)

When you come and join the big parade.

But you can leave your baggage at home

Don't you pack

Don't look back

Then you can truly say

Goodbye highway

That what then and this is nowadays.

Come on you big shot, enjoy the rain

Take a class in pumping blood into

Those weathered veins

And I bet

You'd still come out as teacher's pet

(I scream, you scream )

Cause when it comes to being watertight

(you'll always be a plumber with a pipe dream)

You wrote that book, you own the copyright.

And clown costume

I saw it hanging in the closet of

Your elbow room.

Ooh come and join the big parade

Ooh it's gonna be a brighter day

If you've had it up to here with what's real

I'm here to tell you that it's no big deal

Because it's not too late

Oh, if you hurry up you can

Come on and join the big charade.

(Line up, shut up, clean up, and shave)

'Cause right behind you in the back of the fray

Is a blade, he's a renegade

Turning bullshit into marmalade

Don't you know there's gonna be

A heavy price to pay

(Line up, shut up, clean up,Don't you know)

For pushing all these clouds away

Oh promised it would be

It's bound to be a brighter day,

It can't help but be a brighter day.