Lyrics Jesus Jones

Jesus Jones


In my life, there's a right time

And a right place

There is order

There is method

Well, you know where

There is routine, nothing spare

Catch the light in a different way

And all the bullshit falls away and I

Stare, into a heart of darkness

There is no good, no evil, only me

Stare, into a heart of darkness

There is no good, no evil, only me

There is no love, not anymore

I don't think there ever was

As for me, I feel no hate

I may believe in luck

But not in fate

Stare, into a heart of darkness

There is no good, no evil, only me

Stare, into a heart of darkness

There is no good, no evil, only me

On the wall there is a red light

When I close my eyes

I see spirals




