Lyrics Jesus Jones

Jesus Jones

The A Team

A lined red face burns in the sun, frying on the pavement

This mr. t endorses rum, now you know

T for tenants from the can, it's the choice of champions

Become an extraordinary man, a super-man

Legal at 18

To try for the a team

It's the children most impressed, 'that clown's lost his make uphe's raging at the

Damned success, at being the best

We may never make the grade, not the likes of you and i

But once or twice a week we try, then we dry

It takes dedication

To be on the a team

Not just teenage bravado

You went the extra mile

Forget the weekenders 'cos

All that practice came good just like you knew it would

The cream of the cream

Go off in the a team

There are still placings now

To be on the a team