I'm Prettier

Look at me

Stressing and things

Worrying about what life cannot fix

Allowing my troubles to take over

Getting my own needle and thread

Forcing the stitch

But it don’t make my dress no prettier

I just seem to make things more confused

I have to just stop and go to the maker

And worry about nothing

Not even my shoes

I’m so much prettier

When I let it go, let it go

I’m just so beautiful

When I let it go, let it go

I’m just, I’m so much prettier

When I let it go, let it go, I’m so beautiful

When I let it go, let it go, let it go

Look at me, trying to fix everything

My sister's situations

My brother's aggravations

But it ain’t for me to fix

They gotta do it on their own

I hope to inspire it, I been busy

Holding in both my hands

What cannot be held

When you told me to

Give it to you

Who cannot be seen

But surely felt

I’m so beautiful

When I let it go, let it go

I’m so much prettier

Yeah yeah

I’m so, I’m so much prettier

When I let it go, when I let it go

I’m so beautiful

When I let it go, when I let it go

I’m so much beautifuler

That ain't no word

But it's okay

You get the message anyway

I'm so much,

I'm so much more beautiful

When I let it go, let it go, let it go

I’m so much prettier

When I let it, let it let it let let let it go slow

So, so much prettier

When I let it go, let it go, let it go

I'm so much more beautiful

When I let it go, let it, let it, let it go

Let it go, let it go go go go go

I’m so much more

I’m so much more, more, more, more

I’m so much, much more

When I let it go

I guess this is the end of the music