She Gets Down

Don't you try to tell yourself you travel undetected

When crawling with your face down to the ground

She's always got her eyes on you

When she gets down

Remember all those gentle nights you drifted off believing

You'd be safe if you just never made a sound

You wake up with the deepest cut

When she gets down

Sometimes the world we want is different than the one we find

I remember every soul that has touched me

Every hand that was held out so simple and kind

Down here after midnight there's many a man screaming at the sky

With all the fury he has found

She can shatter all your nerves

When she gets down

When she gets down storms that come suddenly up make you stumble and fall

She takes your voice away when you face her

Leaves you confessing nothing at all

If you ever felt like you could lift up your life

Like you were diamonds that were pushing through the ground

Don't ever put your faith in her

When she gets down

Sometimes the world we want is different than the one we find

I remember every soul that has touched me

Every hand that was held out so simple and kind

Remember all those gentle nights you drifted off believing

You'd be safe if you just never made a sound

You wake up with the deepest cut

When she gets down

Don't ever put your faith in her when she gets down