A Plus or a Minus

A spirit seeks to rise above

But the routine brings it down

Mind is eager to open wide

But constraint's gotta cork it up

Up to the tomb of broken dreams

Down to the top of false believes

Up to the cooling iron core

Down to the stairs that lead to the heaven's door

Up, down. If there's no difference

Down, up. Let's levitate between plus and minus

Of all the sins people possess

Indifference must be the deadliest


Decompose into good and evil

Divide chaos and order

Separate hot from cold

Disjoint light and darkness

Plus and minus

No more duality

The vision of what is right becomes crystal clear

No bipolarity

The vision of what is right becomes crystal clear

No bipolarity

The vision of what is right becomes crystal clear

No more duality

The vision of what is right is not crystal clear

Find all the answers to the question never asked

Don't skip the blanks. Plus or minus?

Find all the answers to the question never asked

Don't skip the blanks. Plus or minus?

Plus or minus?

No, no more duality

The vision of what is right becomes crystal clear

No bipolarity

The vision of what is right becomes crystal clear

No bipolarity

The vision of what is right becomes crystal clear

No more duality

The vision of what is right is not crystal clear

Минус... плюс

Плюс... минус

Minus... plus

Plus... minus

Minus... plus

Plus... minus

Minus... plus

Plus... minus

Minus... plus

Plus... minus

Minus... plus

Plus... minus

Minus... plus

Plus... minus

Minus... plus