Coolest girl ever

How was I even supposed to know

That you were on your way and that you were so close to home

You caught me with the knife in my hand and the bloody glove

Now delve into the mind of a man and the study of… (a cheater!)

Repeating offender, keep reading the end of the book first

And it looks worse, even if we remember

To look back in the embers of a house burnt to the ground

A man caught in the act that tries turning it around

Sorry, is how I’m gonna feel

It’d be glorious if the story wasn’t real

Fill an auditorium and listen to every gory detail

And at the end, just leave enough room for me to bail

Naughty, naughty, I’m so bad

I murder everything in my path

You’re my girl but I’m just a boy

So everything beautiful will be destroyed

This is like the worst thing that ever happened to me

You’re like the coolest girl ever, so what’s happening to me

'Cause this is like the worst thing that ever happened to me

You scream across the room you “hate me” so passionately

Ok, I feel better now that we discussed it

Why are you looking at me all disgusted?

What do you mean I’m just a manipulative little son of a bitch?

What do you mean I’m not to be trusted?

I’m basically a saints angel next to you

I don’t know every person that’s calling and texting you

I don’t know when you’re working and when you’re with the next guy

What do you say we let this little bit of sex slide?

This is like the worst thing that ever happened to me

She can’t take the word “slut” and just attach it to me

She’s screaming at me like I stuck her fucking cat in a tree

Her head is in her hands crying so fashionably

This is like the worst thing that ever happened to me

You’re like the coolest girl ever, so what’s happening to me

'Cause this is like the worst thing that ever happened to me

You scream across the room you “hate me” so passionately

OMG you hate me I know it I shoulda never…

Tried but inside I really thought I was clever…

Sever… the ties and so dies the rose,

But when a rose dies the rose dies forever.

Riding on the feather of a raven

Floating to the perch of a tombstone, engraving:

“Nobody Could Save Him.”

But is it really so serious?

Give me a second chance and we’ll learn from the experience

This is like the worst thing that ever happened to me

She can’t take the word “slut” and just attach it to me

She’s screaming at me like I stuck her fucking cat in a tree

Her head is in her hands crying so fashionably

This is like the worst thing that ever happened to me

You’re like the coolest girl ever, so what’s happening to me

Cause this is like the worst thing that ever happened to me

You scream across the room you “hate me” so passionately