Father-Daughter Dance

The Father-Daughter Dance

Was only two weeks away

They asked her if she was planning to go

The only thing she could say was

My daddy is not around

He’s locked in a jail on the outskirts of town

I wish we could dance on that Saturday night

But I’ll have to turn it down

’Cause my daddy is not around

The little girl wrote to the sheriff

Her request was unusual

Would you be willing to put on a dance

Since my father cannot come to school?

My daddy is not around

He’s locked in your jail on the outskirts of town

I wish we could dance on that Saturday night

Please don’t make me turn it down

’Cause my daddy is not around

The dance was held at the prison

Her dad wore a shirt and tie He told her

“You look like a princess to me

May I have this dance tonight?”

And their feet never touched the ground

They forgot where they were on the outskirts of town

They were dancing together on a Saturday night

He spun her around and around

And their feet never touched the ground

After the final song played

And the school bus drove away

Alone in the dark

His heart broken in two

Her daddy began to pray

Dear Jesus, my girl needs her dad around

Not locked in a jail on the outskirts of town

Then we could dance every Saturday night

I don’t want to let her down

Help me turn my life around

’Cause my girl needs her dad around