Lyrics Joe Jackson

Joe Jackson

One to One

Tried to call you yesterday

But you were at the Monday Club

Or a Communist demonstration

Who cares

You're going somewhere everyday

Vegetarians against the Klan

Every Woman Against Every Man


One to one

What's wrong

What's wrong with one to one

Just once

Just me and you

'Cause one to one is real

And you can't hide, just feel

That three's a crowd

I agree with what you say

But I don't wanna wear a badge

I don't wanna wave a banner like you

Though I don't mind it if you do

You're beautiful when you get mad

Or is that a sexist observation


One to one

What's wrong

What's wrong with one to one

Just once

Just me and you

'Cause one to one is real

And you can't hide, just feel

That three's a crowd