Lyrics Joe Lynn Turner

Joe Lynn Turner

Second Hand Life

Always walking in somenone shadow

Ever since I could crawl

Afraid to break the chains around me

Stand up and walk tall

Everyone has felt the same rejection

Any child can see

In the mirror just a sad reflection

Of what there really can be

It's a second hand life we're living

When you're out on the street alone

Well l've done it your way

Now I'm taking what's mine

No matter wrong or right

Don't want no second hand life

Out of nowhere we come from nothing

Expect the world to provide

They gave me rules l'd never follow

Lelft on my own lo survive

They say they do it for your own protection

Why do we hurt who we love

Well cut the strings and go your own direction

Are you strong enough

It´s a second hand life we're given

Like a heart that has turned to stone