Lyrics Joel Faviere

Joel Faviere

Hip Bone Wishes

You said, "Pick a movie,"

I say, "Yours Truly."

Color television

Sex make our decision

Broken ambition

Hip bone wishes

Contract, lip-lock

We're just doin' business

Nose ring

Caught up on your belt when I went down

Broken wings end this, broke and ambitious

Am I broke in this? Am I broke?

I could make you cry, but you need your eyes

I could make you cry, but you need your eyes

Butterfly ticklish, this is outrageous

Smeared lipstick on romantic pages

I could be your summer

I can be your winter

I can make your little, little, little lip quiver

I could be a whisper

In your ear, your chills

I know that every little bit of silence kills

So what if I shut my mouth right know?

Let'cha be my speaker

Let'cha be my speaker, yeah

I could make you cry, but you need your eyes

I could make you cry, but you need your eyes

I could make you cry, but you need your eyes
