Lyrics John Mellencamp

John Mellencamp

Suzanne and the Jewels

Suzanne was the jewel keeper.

In a word she stole all the jewels

And she took them to a foreign land

Which was strictly against all the rules,

And she wore them all proudly

Like a tiara crown on her head.

She slept with them at night.

Suzanne and the jewels in a bed.

Suzanne and her jewels

Livin' on the edge of a friend.

Suzanne, how will you sleep at night

When they take that crown from your head?

Suzanne lived down by the river,

The fountain of youth did flow

And she played on a steel guitar

And the drifters did come and they'd go.

And she'd put on her crown

And she'd sing them a song

And some drifters would stay here the night

But they never did stay long.

Suzanne and her jewels

Livin' on the edge of a friend.

Suzanne, how will you sleep at night

When they take that crown from your head?

This girl flew on the wind,

She wrote her own name in the stars.

Just goes to show sometimes you win

No matter how crazy you are.

But a thief can come knocking

Even with blood on the door

And drink up your fountain of youth

And throw your jewels and your crown on the floor.

Suzanne and her jewels

Livin' on the edge of a friend.

Suzanne, how will you sleep at night

When they take that crown from your head?

Suzanne and her jewels

Livin' on the edge of a friend.

Suzanne, how will you sleep at night

When they take that crown off your head?