Lyrics John Reuben

John Reuben


Suffocated by my own will

Your life is freedom and I want to start breathing

Closed in by my options lost in a mire

Of my own selfish impulse motive and desire

Constantly considering the consequences

Yet continue in the nonsense with a clear conscience

What did I think was going to happen

What makes this time any different from the last one

So I'm asking to get rid of this distraction

Because on my own I feel myself collapsing

Lungs gasping from a lack of air and what for

When I know that there's got to be more out there


Breathe in, breathe out

I'm tired of holding my breath

It's been a while since I've seen this side surface

Feeling far from home and distant from purpose

Worthless this Earth is I wished to vanish from it

Is it pointless or am I too stupid to take advantage of it

Isn't life more valuable than just existing

And aren't dreams more valid than just simple wishing

Force myself to listen sit in the silent golden as it may be

At times it feels violent

But I'll be patient and wait for your calm to come

Even though I get anxious and feel the urge to run

For I know where my strength comes from even though

I get anxious and feel the urge to run


Sometimes you feel like no one can stop you

And other times you feel like you have nothing to offer

Like right now I might be scared to death of death

And tomorrow I won't even care about my next breath

Left in the dark mad I can't see somewhere between pride and apathy

And I continue on and press past the chaos I feel

I just wish for one moment it would all stand still for real

I wish the world would just stop and let me catch my breath

Return to that place of childlike rest

In attempts to gain more sometimes you come up less

It's got me wanting to get away I guess

We're all looking for a place of simplicity

But it's a complex world and you can't hide from it's activity

But it sure would be nice to leave the world around

So I run towards the son/sun to shed the Earth that surrounds
