Lyrics John Reuben

John Reuben

Defensive Offender

Did it make you feel good to break me down

Did it make you feel good to take me down

Was life getting to you was it all you knew to do

What kind of comfort did you feel by making me less than you

Did it make you feel good to know that your attempt to bring me down

Was beginning to control my perception of self

And that's what you wanted right

To manipulate my thinking and dominate what I feel like

Tap into my thinking tap into my will

What causes human motives to be so ill

You pushed a man looking to make him react

Then you stand there smirking satisfied that I snapped

I'm no better than you you're no better than me

We're just flesh and bone looking for some identity

I'm no better than you you're no better than me

We're just flesh and bone looking for some security

Did it make me feel good to break you down

Did it make me feel good to take you down

What did it do for me to put your respect on the line

By taking yours did I find it to build mine

Hold my head high from the outcome

How come when I'm doing things I used to run from

Scrap the pitch fork horns and animated terror

Looked in the mirror and found evil standing right there

I guess this is the point when you see Satan in you

No form of retaliation was worth hating you

I take that view and then I eat my words too

I guess all along I was no better than you

I'm no better than you you're no better than me

We're just flesh and bone looking for some identity

I'm no better than you you're no better than me

We're just flesh and bone looking for some security

Some want peace and some want war

So many hate without knowing what for

Some are naturally rich but spiritually poor

Some have so much but would kill for more

Some are unsure so they front hardcore

And try to dominate those that make them insecure

And I've been on both sides before

A defensive offender stripped down to the core

I'm no better than you you're no better than me

We're just flesh and bone looking for some identity

I'm no better than you you're no better than me

We're just flesh and bone looking for some security