Lyrics John Reuben

John Reuben


It's one of those moments in life when you feel incapable

I tried to hide but the feelings inside are sort of inescapable

And everything that I've become suddenly feels replaceable

And now I'm left to my inadequacy you get the point

All my goals seem out of reach and unattainable

Your thoughts get lost in the shuffle and become unexplainable

No words to match the emotion that I'm roller-coasting on

Just feelings of devotion and hope and that someday soon they'll be gone


I know lessons are learned through perserverence and

I know I grow and when I can adhere to this

It's just hard sometimes to keep yourself a good perspective

But God controls the hands of time

And when the time is right I'll be perfected

Even when what lies ahead seems so unbearable

God's grace is still so remarkable

Yea I can face any day with a faith that exceeds time and space

Lord give me the strength to change the pace

Cuz I've been burning on energy that was meant to be directed differently

No wonder we find ourselves empty worn out and burned out

With how things have turned out

We've learned how to cope but this whole thing is broke down and not working

Typical earthling searching for a system a coping mechanism

Listen we're not meant to carry the load or bear these burdens on our own

I'm tired of living in survival mode

Gonna give it up and let it go


Give me some sunshine to clear my mind

And in the meantime I know that I'm gonna be just fine