Lyrics Johnny Horton

Johnny Horton

Jim Bridger

Once there was a mountain, man who couldn't write his name

Yet he deserves the front row seat in History's Hall of Fame

He forgot more about the Indians than we will ever know

He spoke the language of the Sioux the Black Foot and the Crow

(Let's drink to old Jim Bridger yes lift your glasses high)

As long as there's the U.S.A. don't let his memory die

(That he was making history never once occurred to him)

But I doubt if we'd been here if it weren't for men like Jim

He spoke with General Custer and said listen Yellow Hair

The Sioux are the great nation so treat 'em fair and square

Sit in on their war councils, don't laugh away their pride

But Custer didn't listen at Little Big Horn Custer died

(Let's drink to old Jim Bridger)

There's poems and there's legends that tell of Carson's fame

Yet compared to Jim Bridger Kit was civilized and tame

These words are straight from Carson's lips if you place that story by him

If there's a man who knows this God forsaken land it's Jim

(Let's drink to old Jim Bridger)