Shine On Me

Shine on me darling won't you shine while you can

While your holding my heart in the palm of your hand

Oh your love is a shelter but time is a thief

And forever's a promise that I know you can't keep

Tell me your secrets baby tell me your lies

Cause you know I believe you when I look in your eyes

And I'm sure that your leaving's gonna make me feel blue

But right now I can't think of a better way I could lose

I can't keep the morning from stealing you away

I can't stops the clock no I can't hold back the day

So won't you shine on me darling while the night is in bloom

While we're just shadows dancing on the walls of your room

While the stars are all waiting and the moons riding high

Won't you shine on me darling dry those tears for your eyes

They say the brightest candle will always burn out fast

But maybe some things are just to good to last

You can turn a blind eye to all that you feel

You can put off living with the strength of your will

But the clock goes on ticking to the beat of your heart

And sooner or later it's gonna tear you apart