Lyrics Jon Foreman

Jon Foreman

The Mountain

Oh the feeling comes to me again

The feeling to give up and to give in

The feeling that I’ve already lost the war

But a pure heart is worth waiting for

Get behind me all you little fears

Get behind me all you wasted years

Get behind me everything I’ve done wrong

Pure eyes are coming with the dawn

- Chorus -

I’ve decided to face this mountain

To stand up to the mountain tonight

I believe you could move this mountainside

You’re a pretty devil in disguise

The devil’s in the details of your eyes

You’re a blurry vision in your dress tonight

Your tongue is mixing drinks like truths and lies

Maybe faith is found inside a seed

Maybe faith is found inside of me

Mostly I feel like I’m lost at sea

I believe, Lord help my unbelief

I believe you could move this mountain of mine.