WTF Collective

Other rappers are comprehensible - not me!

First on the mic - MC Confusing!

I took a piss on my nutsack and called it Jack Black

It's a fact, I got more rhymes then Zach Braff taking a nap

I attack motherfuckers wearing purple backpacks

And I snack on towel racks and take a shit on your track

Yeah your whack, cause everybody understands what you say

But when I get on the mic, I make milk outta clay

And I play air guitar with a tube of toothpaste

And I say karate pencil case and put it on tape

Yo I'm MC Insecure - what's up?

I really don't think that I'm good enough

To be rhyming on this track cause my lyrics suck

All my verses fall flat like a hockey puck

It took me seven months to write the first part of my verse

And now I got nothing left so I'll pretend that I got hurt

Ow! Aw, I think I sprained my ankle

You guys go ahead and finish the song without me

Yo MC Amnesia up in this bitch

Woke up five days ago lying in a ditch

Didn't know who I was I couldn't remember shit

Apparently something happened that was traumatic

I used to have more rhymes but I can't remember them

Seriously I'm freaking out I can't remember anything!

Whats my motherfucking name?

(Seriously does anyone know what my name is?)

Yo I'm MC Public Urination - what - what!

I take a fucking piss on a fucking sidewalk

Anytime, anyplace, I just whip out my cock

And empty my bladder while you motherfuckers watch!

You other MCs can't handle this shit!

You’re just a little bitch afraid to pee in public

You run into a toilet every time you have to piss

Yo fuck that shit - I just whip out my dick!

Yo MC Fatigue - yeah that's me

Every time I grab the mic I fucking fall asleep

I'm the guy who sings the chorus

(It breaks up the song)

My part is kinda boring

(I wish that I could go home)

But they're paying me to sing the chorus

(And I really need the cash)

Cause I'm unemployed at the moment

(Just moved back in with my dad)

Yo I'm MC Doesn't Know What Irony Is

Walked up to my girl and I gave her a kiss

She said “Let's go to your place, I'll suck your dick.”

I said “Hell yeah bitch, that's so ironic!”

Yo I'm MC Gets Side-Tracked Easily

My rhymes are badass like Gandolfini

You know he’s known for the Sopranos but he’s also in movies

Like Get Shorty and Terminal Velocity

Which I didn’t really like cause I don’t like Charlie Sheen

Well I guess in Hot Shots, he was kinda funny

But I prefer Leslie Nielsen in the Naked Gun

You know who else was in that movie? O.J. Simpson

Which is kinda weird, knowing what he did after that

Wait, what was I saying?

I think I got side-tracked.

Yo I'm MC Lethal Weapon 1, 2 & 3

I really like those movies but the 4th disappointed me

Danny Glover, Mel Gibson and Joe Pesci

Why did they have to make a 4th?

They had a perfect trilogy!

MC Lethal Weapon 4 that's me

I disagree with MC Lethal Weapon 1, 2 & 3

Although I agree that it is a groundbreaking trilogy

The 4th was also good they added Chris Rock and Jet Li!

Yo I'm MC Shit My Pants Frequently

It usually happens when I'm walking down the street

Or when I'm hanging out with some fly-ass hoes

There we go!

Thank god I brought a change of clothes!

Yo I'm the MC with the final verse

I'm supposed to sum up everything you heard

But mutherfuckers I don't really have the time

So fuck that and come back to the Chorus Guy

I’m still singing the chorus

(Thank god we’re almost done)

I hate singing the chorus

(It's Such a boring fucking job)

I'm gonna take my 40 bucks

(That's what they're paying me)

And I'm gonna go get really drunk

(Masturbate then go to sleep)