Tell Me

All of my sincere apologies

Have been redirected unto you

It seems our halos have become

Simply loopholes that we use

For redirection

Of our imperfection

Tell me, is there something I can do?

For you to help you change your view

And say, I am not the enemy

Tell me, tell me, tell me

It appears you?ve become so content

Handing out your stubborn judgments

So show and tell your benefits

Of your beliefs and negligence

?Cause not so long ago

You used to be the one you hate

Tell me, is there something I can do?

For you to help you change your view

And say, I am not the enemy

Tell me, tell me, tell me

Broken trust

And a broken life

Create in you

A twisted lie

Take a second glance

At what you can fit inside of your intellect

Then tell me then

How can it be God?

Tell me, is there something I can do

For you to help you change your view

And say, I am not the enemy

Tell me, tell me, tell me

I am not your enemy

Tell me, tell me