Lyrics Jonathan Clay

Jonathan Clay

After All

It was no accident

Maybe heaven sent

Everything worked out just like he planned

Its not my place

To mess with fate

You can't control what isn't in your hands

And after all I don't regret a thing

I want to thank you

For showing me this life

And after all I don't regret a thing

'Cause I know you

And I know you'll, I know you'll be alright

Holding hands

Making plans

Forever didn't seem so far away

Hard to think

It was you and me

Tangled up together in that frame

And after all I don't regret a thing

I want to thank you

For showing me this life

And after all I don't regret a thing

'Cause I know you

And I know you'll, I know you'll be alright

And it's hard

Even when you know it's for the best

'Cause the whole time you're still asking

Is it just another test

Its hard

Even when you know its for the best

'Cause the whole time you're still asking

Is it just another test

And after all I don't regret a thing

I want to thank you

For showing me this life

And after all I don't regret a thing

'Cause I know you

And I know you'll, I know you'll be alright