Lyrics Jonathan Coulton

Jonathan Coulton

Nobody Loves You Like Me

Here at the bar who cares what I do

I'm all alone but I'm drinking for two

Drowning the man that I used to be

Nobody loves you like me

I won't sign a thing, or else if I do

I'll use a pencil and that will show you

How nothing lasts, how nothing is free

Nobody loves you like me

I shouldn't stay, I think you'll agree

It's no good for you, no better for me

In the morning I'll go to a place far away

Somewhere you'll never find me

I catch a look, a thing that you say

Out on the fire escape smoking all day

Missing someone, now who could it be

Nobody loves you like me

Noises outside, the trucks in the street

Will cover my flight, my hero's retreat

I'm supposed to feel bad but I don't anymore

Only when you remind me

Air in my lungs, a cough and a wheeze

Holes in the bellows and blood on the keys

You move along, there's nothing to see

Nobody loves you like me

Nobody loves you like me