Lyrics Josh Joplin Group

Josh Joplin Group

It's Only Entertainment

Richard is important to Richard and

his most important friends

He doesn't take phone calls he sits in

his office and pretends

He's Atticus Finch, he's everybody's mensh

When It comes to clients he counts

himself among the very best

But when it comes to stature he only counts

the size of other mens desks

He's counting every inch, he's counting every inch

CHORUS: And It's only entertainment

It's only entertainment

Don's make it so hard

Don't make it so hard

Amanda of the underground brings high art

to her lo-fi sound

Her nifty hipster friends agree a band's

only as good as its scene

Save us Polly Jean, we know not what we mean



Freddie's demographic grows,

angry boys in baggy clothes

As critics eulogize the songs,

and record store clerks mourn along

And the years go by and the chords don't change

We're all Pat Boone by different names



She gets off work the other side of evening

She counts her tips and tells me that she's leaving

I scrape the plastic plates and dry the glasses

My apron is a testament to madness

Years of washing dishes and she's gone

Her boyfriend brags how many ways he's had her

The busboys and the lines cooks crack with laughter

And I pretend I don't know what they're saying

And they pretend our fate is not the same thing

Years of washing dishes and we're gone