Lyrics Joshua Radin

Joshua Radin

We'll Keep Running Forever

You've been gone all day

I wait for you, alone

Writing down the words I say

So I'll be brave when you're home

Sometimes it's hard to believe,

in the moments we hardly ever see

We try, we may fall but we get up again

And we know that our road gets, better with every bend

So we climb, ever higher

Knowing there's never an end

We'll keep running forever

I hear your car outside

Wonder why we're waiting

Too scared to cross the driveway

I come to meet you but its raining

So I wait for you to call

'Cos you're the only one who's making me fall

We try, we may fall but we get up again

And we know that our road gets, better with every bend

So we climb, ever higher

Knowing there's never an end

We'll keep running forever

Yeah, we'll keep running forever

'Cos we all need somebody, someone who knows

To keep it smooth when its rocky,

the high to our lows

And I think you're that somebody

But I'm scared to let it show

'Cos you're the only one who's making me fall

We try, we may fall but we get up again

And we know that our road gets, better with every bend

So we climb, ever higher

Knowing there's never an end

We'll keep running forever

Yeah, we'll keep running forever

I hear your car outside

Wonder why we're waiting