
I guess I make my way okay, I guess I do

I guess I get by just like you

I'm keeping to myself though, if you don't mind

I don't want to leave any fingerprints

Moving down the boulevard, the walk of fame

The Japanese they're up against it

Trying to match their hand sizes with the household names

And I just try to bob and weave

And keep from bumping into furry fairy prostitutes

And, and make it to the corner gonna lose myself inside outside news

And I remember when I first had come to town

And you suggested, I kneel and kiss the ground

You were such a prophet then to me

And you, you're nothing to me

Nobody wants to help when you start with a please

To supplicate is not the way

You've got to put the other man down on his knees

But that's not why I arrived, no that was not the reason

Don't mind if I retire from a town without one just like a season

I remember when I first had come to town

And you suggested I kneel and kiss the ground

You were such a prophet then to me

And you, you're nothing to me

Waltzing slowly in

Counter time to your piercing cameras before me

Moving closer I've

Come to know that there's nothing in there to show me

Pretty good show she said

I kinda like your style

Well, maybe we could go to bed

And I could help you run the three-minute mile

But first you gotta take the drinks you gotta learn to fake the smiles

She was a piece of past her prime real estate a late great tit turnstile

I remember when I first had come to town

And you suggested I kneel and kiss the ground

You were such a prophet then, to me

And you, you're nothing to me

I remember when I first had come to town

And you suggested I kneel and kiss the ground

You were such a prophet then