Lyrics Jughead's Revenge

Jughead's Revenge

Corporate Bashing

Everyone'sa sucker

For a guy who hates the mainstream

If everybody liked it

Then it couldn't be PC

If the radio will play it

Then the band must be a sellout

I would never like those guys

I heard those guys eat meat

They're just too corporate rock for me

I'll never drink a Pepsi

Or a Coke or Mountain Dew

Those companies use small countries

And exploit the workers too

Everyone will see

They pollute the air we breathe

Corporations suck to me

I hate cops

And I hate jobs

I hate everything

I hate school

I hate you

And I hate me

I don't drink and no sex

It just isn't right

But fighting a crusade is a natural high

I hate CDs but my demos rule

I only like bands

Before they get cool

I guess everyone is different

Let them do what they feel

When two people like the same thing

It's not a big deal

But bashing everything that others do is lame

Trying to be different

Is what makes me the same

Anyone's opinion is their own

And if you don't like it,

Just leave it alone

So be an exception to the rule

Corporations are pretty cool