Lyrics Jughead's Revenge

Jughead's Revenge

Tearing Down The World

In everything she sees

Hardened reality

Crashed right into the world

The world's most hateful girl

She stood alone in fact

Kicked in the face of that

That thing supposedly

Named her adversity

And as I watched her mount her rage

I envied every stage of what was yet to come

We peeled down the street

Direct connection speaks

She smiled and punched it right

They picked their final fight

The way she held that tool

Rewrote the golden rule

Do under every plea

With rapid fire speed'

She told me how she used to hide

One day that use just died

So did the use of everyone

A super heroin at least

Unconscious and unleashed

Tearing down the world for fun

She drew a gentile hand

And asked me why I hid

She gave me something

That the world never did

Contained in a one way ticket

To a place in hell

My conscience got there first as well