I Will Put My Ship In Order

I will put my ship in order

And I will set her on the sea

And I will sail to yonder harbor

To see if my love minds on me

I drew my ship into the harbor

I drew her up where my true love lay

I drew her close up to the window

To listen what my true love did say

"Oh who is that at my bower window?

That raps so loudly and would be in?"

"It is your true love that loves you dearly

So rise, dear love, and let him in"

Then slowly, slowly rose she up

And slowly, slowly came she down

But before she had the door unlocked

Her true love had both come and gone

"Come back, come back, my own true love

Come back, come back, come to my side

I never grieved you nor yet deceived you

And I will surely be your bride"

"The fish shall fly, the seas run dry, love

The rocks shall melt with the sun

The laboring men shall forget their labor

Before that I return again"