While Gamekeepers Lie Sleeping

Oh I've got a dog got and they're good dog too

And I keeps it in me keeping

For catch those hares that run by night

While the gamekeepers lie a sleeping

My dog and me went out one night

For to length some education

Up jumped a hare and the way she ran

Right into some large plantation

She had not gone so very far

Before something stopped her running.

So on and on she loudly cried

For the minute she heard someone coming

Now I took out my little pen knife

And quickly I did paunch her.

She turned out one of the female kind

I'm glad may I caught her

I fixed her up and placed her down

And I puts her in my keeping

I says to my dog its time to be going

While the game-keeper lies sleeping

Away me and dog did go

Back into the town

We took that hare to a labouring man

We sold it for a crown

We went into some public house

And there we I got quite mellow

For we spent that crown and another one too

Don't you think that I'm a good hearted fellow

Oh I've got a dog and they're a good dog too

And I keeps it in me keeping

For to catch those hares that run by night

While the gamekeeper lies sleeping