
Take me lead and follow me to a special place

Heaven could not compare to this

Sorrowless, all that was lost is found again

The easy way, pharmaceutical bliss

Mind control for the masses

All humankind, self diagnosing their lives

Medicating all singular thought

Lead to believe there's a mental disorder you've caught

So you man up and admit your guilt

Addiction is nothing more than this

Sorrowful, all that was found is lost again

Withdrawal, now where's your bliss?

Slavery for the asses

All humankind - self medicating their minds

Individual thought is now dead

Not a single cell exists in your shell of a head

Dependency, that bitter little pill

But why argue with fate

Despondency, your resolve is killed

You become the person that you most hate

Thoughts dim, process slows

Your craving for sedation grows

Brain numb, feeling no pain

Bu still cant kick the shame

Loved ones have left yo now

You start to wonder how

What has become of me

My own worst enemy

Dependency, that bitter little pill

But why argue with fate

Despondency, your resolve is killed

You become the person that you most hate