
Living in a bedsit

Close to the world's end,

Sitting in his y-fronts

Sponging off his girlfriend Ca-arey

She says life's right there babe

Should be getting on with it

better tell her that you've all but squandered it

It's silly

And his relatives all think that it's a shame (a shame)

And they'd say that it was a mystery if his Dad wasn't exactly the same

The same

He's been a space cadet for years

Says one day he'll be an astronaut

Floating in the hemisphere

And looking down on Hampton Court

But he's always late

And knows one day he'll graduate

Then he'll be floating in the ozone

High above the empire

High above the empire

State state state

He's living in a

State state state

He's in a proper

State state state

They've got him in a

State state state

Sofa surfer, likes a little gamble

A few dodgy debts that he says he can handle


Never not Stays in most nights

Jostling to pixelated princesses on websites


And his family all say that it's a waste (a waste)

And they wash their mouths out with self-righteousness

To hide the bitter taste

The taste

He's been a space cadet for years

Says one day he'll be an astronaut

Floating in the hemisphere

And looking down on Hampton Court

But he's always late

And knows one day he'll graduate

Then he'll be floating in the ozone

High above the empire

High above the empire

Carey's love is cold and congealed

Like last night's take-away

And she feels

She might have to do some kind

Of midnight flit

All there is to say has been said

And as the sky's turning pink

She leaves her keys by the sink

And takes one last look at our hero's face

He's been a space cadet for years

Says one day he'll be an astronaut

Floating in the hemisphere

And looking down on Hampton Court

But he's always late

And knows one day he'll graduate

Then he'll be floating in the ozone

High above the empire

High above the empire

High above the empire state

Oh oh la la la la

Now life goes on

It will be played out

But something's s'posed to happen man before the fade out

Before the fade out