Lyrics Kaleidoscope


The Sky Children

A million white flowers in a field in the sky

Seemed to spell out a greeting as the children flew by

A guard in a chariot of silver and gold

Gave the children all tickets, then the story he told

Of a time in the future that was sunshine and flowers

And the children grew sleepy in the sky's white towers

They dreamed of the story that the guard had displayed

They saw all the wonders, tiny minds were amazed

They saw candy forests and dragons that breathed fire

On all that was evil in the misty mire

They came to the village where the turtles in caves

Made pies for the people and the lemonade

The people lived out by the sea and each day

The seagulls would wake them as they passed on their way

The people were kindly, they would sing to the sky

And each bright new morning, the sun shone from their eyes

The children passed over and all the people could see

As they dived from the sky to the treacle sea

They bathed on the white sand, minutes turned into hours

And the children all giggled and gave each other flowers

The King from his castle came down to the sea

And he spoke to the children so patiently

He gave them small presents and bid them farewell

And the children unwrapped them, tiny silver bells

Their tinkling floated across the island with ease

And it came back toward them on the perfume breeze

They smiled at the tinkling, they gazed at the sun

And they smiled at each other, pretty little ones

A beautiful white horse came down to the sea

And the children all climbed up as he knelt on one knee

They rode through the valleys and high over hills

And they laughed oh so loudly, their fear to kill

They came to a lakeside of deep velvet and green

And they all stared in wonder at its beauty serene

They climbed from the white horse, they watch as it goes

As they stood by the green lake for to kiss their toes

A boat in the distance was suddenly there

Waiting to take the children to anywhere

The porcupine captain said that he didn't mind

In his coat of black needles, he looked very kind

His crew were six rabbits with fluffy white ears

And the children all stroked them and lost all their fears

They sailed through the sunshine, across the green lake

And they drank lemonade and they ate ice-cream cake

They landed in a dark cave as the boat disappeared

And they all stood in darkness, through the shadows they peered

But out of the blackness shone diamonds so bright

Their tiny white hands shielded eyes from the light

In a pool of quicksilver stood Neptune so wise

And pearls were his white teeth, bright diamonds his eyes

He spoke to the children in a voice of velvet

And he beckoned them to him, in a circle they sat

He told of sky island and of his magic cave

And magic pink seashells to the children he gave

They listened intently as the music came far

From the magic pink seashells and nobody talked

But Neptune had vanished when they lifted their eyes

So they walked from the cave as two kingfishers cried

In the bright shiny sunlight, they got down on one knee

They listened to the sea shells of the magical sea

But the day grew much darker, so they climbed on the breeze

And they floated to the village, and the people were pleased

To see them so happy with their tinkling bells

And the people all listened to the musical shells

But the children were so sad, the time had come to leave

So the people waved goodbye and begged them to believe

Of the wonders they had seen in the island of the sky

And the children said they would and away they did fly

Through the white clouds of no time till forever it seems

And the children stayed children and they lived in their dreams