Lyrics Katzenjammer


Wading In Deeper

The summer has ended quietly surrendered

Laying its weapons on

the ground 'round her feet

The chimes they are calling,

the leaves they are falling

to cover this land with their innocent lives

Lalalala, wading in deeper

Lalalala, up to her knees

Two hands that are white,

can't put up the fight

Bereft of all strength and

the flames in her eyes

The infant, the damage,

the plunder, the pillage

Her ruins of smoke, this river can't choke

Lalalala, wading in deeper

Lalalala, up to her waist

The fall is a'coming, closer each morning

it snarls at her heals and

breathes down her neck

A raven is calling Promethean warning

The ties to her arms and

her legs pull her down

Lalalala, wading in deeper

Lalalala, over her head