Comes A-long-a-love

Comes along a love suddenly

Brother are you happy and excited

Comes along a love suddenly

Everywhere you go you feel invited

Comes along a love suddenly

Every dream you have becomes ignited

You just begin to live

Comes along love

Comes along a love suddenly

Though you never sang you're always singing

Comes along a love suddenly

Chimes you never heard begin a-ringing

Comes along a love suddenly

Night and day you're heart is highland flinging

You live and you love

Comes along love

I don't care how

Blue you're feeling now

You sparkle and you bubble

See each bluebird double

Comes along a love suddenly

Petty little things no longer phase you

Comes along a love suddenly

Everyone around you seems to praise you

Comes along a love suddenly

You discover things that just amaze you

You just begin to live

Comes along love

I don't care how

Blue you're feeling now

You sparkle yes you bubble

Look out you gotta whole lotta trouble

Comes along a love suddenly

Petty little things no longer phase you

Comes along a love suddenly

Everyone around you seems to praise you

Comes along a love suddenly

You discover things that just amaze you

You just begin to live

And really love

The day you live

Oh well you sparkle

You bubble

Well you're in trouble

Coz mister

You're really in love