Source Of Existence

From the Earth minds are wondering

How could this great universe runs so well

Space and time, both follow the order

It makes us to think who's behind such things

Hail to the forests...

For they are the lungs of Earth

Hail to the mountains...

For their amazing scenery

Look down into the smaller scale of reality

These living beings, exist to occupy our planet

The biological orders within our own bodies

They make us to think who create such things

Hail to the oceans...

For they bring the majestic waves

Hail to the rivers...

That keep flowing until the call

Of The Last

"I am the Alpha and the Omega

... who is, who was, and who is to come

The Almighty"

It would take faith

To believe there was a process of creation

It would take more faith

To believe there's a coincidental existence

The quest for reason

Keeps compelling my thoughts and my emotions

Towards the fact

That there is an existence of a Higher Being

I bow to the Source of universe

The Creator of all things seen and unseen