Love Me Sweet

me and my babe went to the show

I and babe went to the show

did we sit on the end? no

'cause a fallen girl was in the very front row

she got real lace curtains on her door

she got brussels carpets on the floor

but she don't wear no silk or lace

no, lords, she don't wear no corsetwaist

so love me sweet, my dear sweet Lucy

love me sweet, my pretty baby

love me sweet, baby sweet Lucy

love me sweet, pretty baby

now babe's gone'n I won't come home

now babe's gone'n I won't come home

or with my clothes all wrinkled

and my hair ain't sittin' just right in the middle

she makes me want things I never had

she makes me want things I never had

baby, there's too many things I never had

and too many things I will never have

so love me sweet, my dear sweet Lucy

love me sweet, my pretty baby

love me sweet, baby sweet Lucy

love me sweet, pretty baby

and you're the best that it is

and I need you baby, please

'cause you're the best that it is

and I need you in all my biz