Lyrics Kim Mitchell

Kim Mitchell

Wonder Where And Why

Well hello morning

Guess I didn't die

I hope I got all my dreaming in

I know I gave it one good try

Hello to my ego

I caught me by surprise

I'm at the turning point in my life

But then again who isn't

Nobody listens when I talk

Nobody's talkin' when I listen

Ain't no easy dreamy night

In the wonder where and why

Ain't no easy dreamy night

In the wonder where and why

Well hello emotions

I got my dark days and some days are kind

I gotta get outta myself to hear what I gotta say

I gotta be loud and soft with my reason and rhyme

Ain't no easy up and down

In the wonder where and why

Ain't no easy up and down

In the wonder where and why

Well hello press and public

Y'all know I can drool and I can smile

Yeah I can drool and smile

I don't do drugs to get me high

I know who I am 'cause I've just had to try

Ain't no easy spark and fly

In the wonder where and why

Ain't no easy up and down

In the wonder where and why

Ain't no easy dreamy night

In the wonder where and why

Well Hello Midnight

I guess I didn't die

I made it through all the days events and I heard no one protest why

Ain't no easy night to day

In the wonder where and why

Ain't no easy spark and fly

In the wonder where and why

Ain't no easy love and hate

In the wonder where and why