Combustion Inferno

Anominous scorching Maelstrom surges

To feed and blow the dry storm.

Multiple lighting strikes viciously hitting the ground

Tornadic winds at great speeds ignite the fire front.

Hot gas rises up to the clouds

Sucking the air from the entire plane

Scorching surface, devastated soil

Fornication under smoked skies.

Decimation comes with hot winds

Through flowing streams of untamed flames

Tongues of fire swirling and dancing

Incineration under burning skies.

Combustion infernal.

Combustion infernal everything burns everything melts

Heat of thousand suns burns the ground to the core.

Anominous scorching Maelstrom surges

To feed and blow the dry storm.

Multiple lighting strikes viciously hitting the ground

Tornadic winds at great speeds ignite the fire front.

Crown fires burning up higher at the top of houses and


Trees and corpses reduced to dust fornication under

burning skies.