Sad Prayers For Guilty Bodies

They stored their passion in the creases

In the corners of their mouths

Every angle of light from the open window

Washed their aged faces out

Should we feel guilty, they said

Should we feel guilty for this sin

Lord, did we kill a man and woman

Just to lie her skin to skin

I wasn't happy

I wasn't happy where I was

What is life without a purpose

What is purpose without love

I pray my children will forgive me

Though I bade the river flood

I have washed my hands a thousand times

But still can see the blood

I still can see the blood

Oh great mercy, I am here to beg forgiveness for this mess

I know I tore two worlds apart

But I can't change the way I felt

Love swept in like a storm and ripped the hinges from the doors

Love poured in like a flood

I couldn't stop it anymore

I will not be

No I will not be drowned

She said, lover come and hold me

I am terribly afraid

While you're shouting at the stars

My scars are not fading away

He said, darling, I was begging heaven make them disappear

But see, I didn't get an answer or at least one I could hear

Now I am thinking of the past and how we both said vows and lied

And I am wondering how we trust ourselves to say a second time

To say a second time

To have and to hold

From this day and onward

For better or for worse

For richer or poorer

In sickness and in health

To love and to cherish

Till death do us part

Till death do us part