Roll Out

Ladies! Ladies! there comes a time in your life

When you gotta do somethings

That you never thought you would have to do

I ain't your superwoman, I ain't your wonder woman

I ain't gonna wash your clothes, I ain't the floor you're walking on

I'm gonna keep the car, stop caring where you are

Buy you own cigarets, walk your own pets, I'm out the door

Tonight when you come home, I will be gone

Ladies (ladies ladies)

Tonight ain't gotta fight I'll be Alright

I've seen the light

When you turn on your radio and you hear her voice

You will know that she made her choice

This ain't another love song bout who done you wrong

Man she talkin bout she gotta roll out

She gotta roll out

Ladies if you feel me let me see your hands up

(hands up hands up)

When your hands in the air like you just don't care

Keep waving them girls I know I know

Tonight when you come home, I will be gone

Ladies (ladies ladies)

Tonight ain't gotta fight I'll be Alright

I've seen the light

When you turn on your radio and you hear her voice

You will know that she made her choice

This ain't another love song bout who done you wrong

Man she talkin bout she gotta roll out

She gotta roll out

You took me for granted

All that pain drove me nearly insane

I can't take it anymore

That's why I'm out the door

Tonight when you come home, I will be gone

Ladies (ladies ladies)

Tonight ain't gotta fight I'll be Alright

I've seen the light

When you turn on your radio and you hear her voice

You will know that she made her choice

This ain't another love song bout who done you wrong

Man she talkin bout she gotta roll out

She gotta roll out Roll Out Ladies Ladies Ladies

Roll Out Ladies Ladies Ladies