Sunday's News

I've questioned in my head

The things that I've read

Some sad, false and true

It hurts for me to find

That what I read reflects my mind

What does it do to you

Sunday's news?

The lowest number dead

So their sources said

We'll try and bring 'em home to you

But what they've left behind

Cries out to me and makes it mine

What does it do to you

Sunday's news?

Sunday's news, Sunday's news

Always seems to make me blue

Tell me what does it do to you

Sunday's news?

Madmen are the news

What styles you should choose

Crime rates despair

Pollution in the air

Everyone seems to care

But still I can hear

Our bombs bursting in air

What does it do to you

Sunday's news?

Sunday's news, Sunday's news

Always seems to make me blue

Tell me what does it do to you

Sunday's news, Sunday's news

Always seems to make me blue

Tell me what does it do to you

Sunday's news?