Lyrics Lamb of God

Lamb of God

Boot Scraper

Watch the broken common man

Drown his sorrows at unhappy hour

Dirty and sweaty with just enough to get by

Calluses on his hands, calluses on his soul

Hard-boiled, son of a bitch

Scraping away on the down hill grind

It's a means to an end, a mean end for most

Death and domestication ends in shattered hopes

Can't see the hand at the other end of the leash

Turn and bite, turn and bite the hand that bleeds you dry

Throw yourself a bone, no one else will

Compromise leads to self-loathing

Money the excrement of labor

And you don't get to keep shit

Except politics and power trips

And a bad breath down your neck

I know for I have toiled in the halls of the mighty

And not received a teardrop in a bucket

Motherfuck it

The world doesn't owe me a thing

But you do, motherfucker

The world doesn't owe me a thing

But you do, motherfucker

So crooked when you die

They're gonna have to screw your ass

Into the ground

As life slowly unravels with nothing to show

But your wasted time and dust

A thousand points of lies falling

On the deafened funeral eardrums of the blind masses

Rise above, extract your life

Will you look within then turn around and bite?

Day by day the mask suffocates your life

Is this any way to live? No fucking way