Dream Of The Archer

Wayfaring warrior soul

Still wild the archer stands

Arrow measured to the goal

Sing of strong and living man

In his mind, there is a vision

Wandering through the forest town

Telling of riches only given

If through the woods the way is found

Crying, beautiful dancers

Wake up from your sleep!

Ahh, gentle romancers

Drink of love so sweet!

Treasure glowing in their eyes

Forest deepens dark their dream

Keep to the pathway he advise

For the woods are more than they might seem

Are heed you now the apparition?

Bending never ending sounds

Call you away into her mystery

Are your eyes not sparkling now?

Sighing, take you no warning

Make no foolish fight!

Ahh, think not of morning

Lie here through the night!


Beauty, take us! They call

In my arms, they hear her say

As the silken web falls

In a mist of illusion rips away

Helpless! helpless! Now they scream

Helpless on the path, he stands

And awakens, awakens from his dream

Singing string beneath his hand


Gentle archer ages old, release the aim and free the goal!


Come on and roll your arrow to my soul, release the aim and free the goal!