Lyrics Larry Norman

Larry Norman

Born To Be Unlucky

Born to Be Unlucky

I was born about eighteen years ago

In a little wooden shack

I was born about eighteen years ago

On the wrong side of the tracks

And i never knew my father

And i never had a home

Well i don't know where i came from

And i don't know where i'm goin'

I was born to be unlucky

From my shoulders to my shoes

And i guess i'm stuck with my unlucky blues

When i was just a young boy

I was raised on beans and trout

And on my seventh birthday

Well my momma, she threw me out

They say i'm good for nothin'

No one treats me kind

I don't care cause pretty soon

I'm gonna leave this world behind

I was born to be unlucky

From my shoulders to my shoes

And i guess i'm stuck with my unlucky blues

I jumped into the river

To try to put myself away

A man jumped in and saved me

Spoiled a perfect day

He dragged me to the river's edge

He said he knew i had a need

Then he pulled out a soggy Bible

And that man began to read

Well he told me things i did not know

I'm glad i did not die

'cause he told me God's my father

And my real home is in the sky

And i said

Harmonica and lead guitar speak

He said i done a very foolish thing

To try to drown myself and die

And i told him i was glad

He happened to be passing by

He said God would forgive me

So i repented of my sin

Then he said i must be baptized

And he threw me in again

Awww i was born to be unlucky

From my shoulders to my shoes

I thought i must be stuck with these unlucky blues

Oh yeh

Lead guitar break

My life has changed in many ways

I'm such a different man

Well i know now who my father is

And i know just where i stand

With one foot up in Heaven

And one foot on the ground

I travel through this world of ours

I try to spread God's word around

I was born to be unlucky (i know'd it)

From my shoulders to my shoes

But i came unstuck from my unlucky blues


Ow and maybe you can too... alright

And this is just the beginning