Lyrics Latin Quarter

Latin Quarter

No Rope As Long As Time

Old Afrikaaner farmer on the terrace of his home

Sits gently in his rocking chair, gazing at this land

He owns.

There he sees his memories and there his past

There he smiles his grim smile, strokes his gun, swears

He'II make it last.

Someone brings the whisky, someone serves the meal

Like the someone in the township, in the mine and in

The fields.

Someone at the graveyard, someone with their tears

Someone who can't forget the freedom lost these 100


Old man, you can boost about the gun that's by your bed

Old man, you can tell me how you're good for all your

Kaffirs yet

And your guns can fire and your prisons fill

And you've yards of rope for hanging still

But your guns can shoot and never hit the sky

And there's no rope as long as time.

Mandela in the prison, Biko in the ground

Sharpeville and Soweto voices silenced till the end of


Freedom don't come easy, don't come bloodless. don't

Come fast

But in the hearts of the countless people.

No pass law's gonna stop us pass.

Sometimes he'II talk of reasons, economy and cause

Sometimes he'II even talk of changes

Though he clasps the gun and het talks of laws.

Gut power ain't this old man's gift

And freedom's no reform

The old man made the history and the history's made of
